mmm chocolate cake

mmm chocolate cake
cake..i luv cake..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A not so good day today for our baby girl,she was tired from the time she woke up this morning and was not very happy,so we kept busy walking around the farm after breakfast,come inside did the house work and while mummy was vacuming,charlie stood up and pulled the dining room chairs straight on top of her self,mummy herd a huge crash and charlie was screaming her little eyes out,mummy has never seen her so upset,so we had a dose of panadole and a nice shower.The rest of the day has been not so good,shes just not happy and i think she has a headach.She went to the shop with daddy to get some nappies had dinner and now is having a big you baby girl xxx( look rite on the forid )ouchies poor darlin xx